10月3日亚马逊美国站一纸通知扰乱了众多卖家的心绪。通知是以亚马逊客户体验副总裁Chee Chew的名义发出的,通知详情如下:
Customer reviews are one of the most valuable tools we offer customers for making informed purchase decisions, and we work hard to make sure they are doing their job. In just the past year, we’ve improved review ratings by introducing a machine learned algorithm that gives more weight to newer, more helpful reviews; applying stricter criteria to qualify for the Amazon verified purchase badge; and suspending, banning or suing thousands of individuals for attempting to manipulate reviews.
Our community guidelines have always prohibited compensation for reviews, with an exception – reviewers could post a review in exchange for a free or discounted product as long as they disclosed that fact. These so-called ‘incentivized reviews’ make up only a tiny fraction of the tens of millions of reviews on Amazon, and when done carefully, they can be helpful to customers by providing a foundation of reviews for new or less well-known products.
Today, we updated the community guidelines to prohibit incentivized reviews unless they are facilitated through the Amazon Vine program. We launched Vine several years ago to carefully facilitate these kinds of reviews and have been happy with feedback from customers and vendors. Here’s how Vine works: Amazon – not the vendor or seller – identifies and invites trusted and helpful reviewers on Amazon to post opinions about new and pre-release products; we do not incentivize positive star ratings, attempt to influence the content of reviews, or even require a review to be written; and we limit the total number of Vine reviews that we display for each product. Vine has important controls in place and has proven to be especially valuable for getting early reviews on new products that have not yet been able to generate enough sales to have significant numbers of organic reviews. We also have ideas for how to continue to make Vine an even more useful program going forward. Details on that as we have them.
The above changes will apply to product categories other than books. We will continue to allow the age-old practice of providing advance review copies of books.
Thank you.
– Chee Chew, VP, Customer Experience
虽然通知中也提到了亚马逊的Vine Voice项目,但Vine项目指的是亚马逊为它的直营产品(sold by AMAZON)组建的测评团队,消费者通过前台看到的就是在Reviewer名字旁边会有Vine Voice标志。这纸宣布了只有这个Vine团队才能做送样测评了,之前的Top 10000 Reviewers,很多卖家经常在Facebook上找的那些Reviewer Group, 以及各种各样的测评网站和服务商服务,所有的以折扣或低价换评价的行为,都被列入违背平台规则。
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